Work in situ, 2010

Work in situ, 2010

Friday, 17 June 2011

I have just driven through the rain to Chichester
to deliver three pieces of sculpture:
Ice II, Obelisk II and Foliage I. (see below).
They can be seen in the 'Sculpture in paradise'
exhibition which is to be held in the cathedral cloisters.
This exhibition is part of the Chichester Festivities
from the 24th June - 10th July.

Foliage I

Obelisk II

Ice II (for the birds)

Sunday, 12 June 2011

I delivered two pieces to Quenington Old Rectory yesterday.
Draped II and Glory II (see below)
It is nearly time for the Fresh Air exhibition which starts on
Sunday 19th June.
The garden is lovely with some of the most beautiful trees
I have ever seen.

Glory II

Draped II