Work in situ, 2010

Work in situ, 2010

Tuesday 16 October 2018

I am just coming to the end of the exhibiting season.
My last exhibition this year at Savill Gardens finishes at the beginning of November. After placing my pieces in three different areas in the garden we finally decided that under a very large tree was the most appropriate. It is very interesting how important it is to place them correctly.

I won't be sorry to come to the end of the season. I had a hip replacement in July which really affected my life. Fortunately I had the most caring of 'carers' husband and together we managed to do all the exhibitions that I was committed to.

I have also still managed to produce new work this year despite the hip. Some of which still needs to be fired and others in the biscuit stage. It has always been difficult carrying my work down a flight of stairs - workshop on first floor, kiln in garden but this year particularly so!

 I think that problem has been solved but more of that in my next blog.

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